Bought with Eggs

October 11, 2020|Janice Kvamme|

Leonard was born at St. Joseph Hospital in Tacoma on November 27, 1936.  His dad was a poultry farmer and had 5,000 chickens, so the Lovgrens made an agreement with the hospital to pay the bill [...]

Little Memories

October 11, 2020|Janice Kvamme|

Little Memories of My Sweet Dad   * Every Sunday when I was a child, he would press a quarter into my hand for my Sunday School Offering.   * He would NEVER FAIL [...]


October 11, 2020|Holly Holmes|

My Grandpa was one of the most supportive people in my life. Grandpa and Grandma made it to every assembly when I had won an award, every concert and school play. Grandpa would have flowers [...]

Dad Memories

October 11, 2020|Joyce Purefoy|

How do you sum up such a beautiful life in just a few words?  Impossible!  But here are a few things that stand out and make me so proud and honored to call him [...]

Memories of Grandpa From Juliana

October 11, 2020|Juliana Kvamme|

My grandpa was the kindest person I knew. He was always thinking of others and loving them. When I was little, one of the many things I loved about going to Grandma and Grandpa's [...]

Memories of Grandpa From Theo

October 11, 2020|Theo Kvamme|

Gramps was a generous man of integrity, who was not afraid to work hard. He knew how to do a little of everything and wasn't the kind to cut corners. Many times as a kid [...]